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Risk and fraud management strategy

Fraud is the most significant threat to an online business. Fraud and chargebacks damage your reputation, consumer trust and revenues.

There is no way to avoid fraud. It is a fact of doing business. But you can minimise it by implementing an effective set of tactical and strategic controls and processes.

Apayo will advise you how to develop the right strategy, policy, processes, reporting and tools for your business to fight fraud while protecting conversion.

Payments strategy

Payments optimisation is a rare skillset, even for mature online players.

Apayo will deliver impactful guidance on how to optimally configure your payments set-up to maximise conversion and support your vision for expansion into new markets. 


Finding the right talent for your business can be tough. Many roles in e-commerce and payments are highly niche. You may not be sure what roles are needed to build an effective team, or how roles should be benchmarked in terms of compensation levels.

Apayo has a huge network of talent and connections and vast experience helping businesses board critical roles.

Let us help you find the right people with the skills you need at the right price.

Executive Management Advice

The payments industry is complex with many hidden nuances and challenges. Understanding this complexity and the underlying drivers is crucial to effectively lead and manage an online business.

Apayo will partner with you to understand your current capability, identify opportunities to improve, and deliver the advice you need to achieve true expertise of your own. 

Client industries

Apayo serves clients at differing levels of maturity and complexity

  • Enterprise e-commerce merchants

  • Start-up online businesses

  • Fintechs

  • Payment service providers

  • Banks

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